Swarm Scout & Sherpa

Taking senior teams to the edges of systems to explore social innovation inspiration and new ways of working.

A Scout is a one to two day experiential learning program for senior teams and leaders within organisations.

The goal of this program is to explore and be inspired by social innovation, new ways of working and purposeful business ideas that solve gnarly problems.

We do this by heading out together on a ‘Scout’ – a shared experience, spending time with diverse, interesting social innovators in unique places working in new and often disruptive ways to find solutions to big issues.

Our networks of innovators are extensive, based on our work with Swarm and Good for Nothing (recently rated by Observer and Nesta as one of the 50 New Radicals – the most radical organisations changing the face of Britain today).

These innovators are purpose-driven and often work with people in very different ways to create new forms of business – all aimed at fixing gnarly problems through equitable and meaningful business models.

A Scout experience is active, getting teams involved with the organisations and ideas that they encounter, helping to widen the lens on the systemic nature of 21st century problems as well as stimulating new perspectives on purpose, creativity and approaches to business. Each Scout program is individually designed and curated around the specific needs of a team, ensuring it helps to stimulate, challenge and boost a team forwards on their trajectory.

Recent Scout projects include working with EY in New York and Sainsbury’s Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability team.

Sherpa support for leaders on journeys of transformational change.

We understand how challenging it is for leaders to find their true voice and a clear purpose in the face of enormous complexity, commercial pressure and competing agendas.

Sherpa exists to support leaders and change-makers in building their capacity for leading purposeful change and transformation in their organisations.

The approach provides one-on-one and small group support for senior leaders  – to develop their individual quest for meaning and purpose, and to cultivate their spirit for adventure and authentic leadership in order to catalyse profound shifts in organisational beliefs, assumptions and attitudes.

Sherpa programs are designed around individual and team needs but will usually combine communication support via web-based platforms (Skype), inspirational creative content to help stimulate new thinking and nature/outdoor-based meet ups to provide immersive experiential learning sessions –  such as Presence and Wild Camp.