Boston Tea Party Do Good For Nothing
You may have seen in the news that Good For Nothing, the creative generosity movement we hatched in 2010 has entered a new era. And it's all pretty exciting.
You see, there's an ethical soul café chain called Boston Tea Party who launched a new initiative in the new year called Making Things Better.
One goal of Making Things Better is " ensure we have a positive societal impact and use the talent in our teams and customers to make a real difference in the communities in which we serve" explained Sam Roberts, MD and Owner of BTP.
Their new initiative is really all about putting society and people at the core purpose of each cafe.
Good for Nothing is all about connecting local projects working on environmental and social challenges in progressive and disruptive ways with the people in their city who want to gift their creative talents. Whilst Good For Nothing already has thousands of members and 30+ chapters around the world, something we have longed for is local hubs where the chapters could meet up and run their gigs and we needed to reach thousands of people.
Well our wish was granted.
This is how it happened. The teenage sons of Sam Roberts and Dan Burgess (co-founder of Swarm and Good For Nothing) were playing at a winter Rugby match in Bath, whilst on the sidelines an exciting conversation began between the two Dads. How could Boston Tea Party and Good For Nothing partner to get more people gifting their creativity in the UK? We have what they needed, and they have what we needed they both thought.
And so our new partnership is born. We're pleased to announce the partnership has now launched and is flourishing. We have four new Good For Nothing chapters nestled in a handful Boston Tea Party Cafes and are planning to do more in the New Year. Head to the site to visit the new chapters in Bristol, Bath, Exeter and Birmingham and who knows, maybe YOU can make it to one of their events this September or October.