Girl Effect

Girl Effect is an ambitious organization focused on changing perceptions of how girls view themselves and how society views girls to give them a stronger voice, greater access to services and a greater role to play in their communities.

If every Ethiopian girl finished school, it would add $4 billion to the country’s economy. If Nigerian women had the same employment rates as men, GDP would rise by 13.9 billion. If adolescent pregnancy was delayed in India, it would add 767 billion in potential lifetime income. And if we met these targets, we would be living in a more fundamentally equitable world. If…

Too often, right the way round the world, this doesn’t happen.


Girl Effect is working to change that. Present in Nigeria, Ethiopia and Rwanda Girl Effect develops brands and media products to change perceptions about the role women can play in society. In the ten years that it has been operating it has made some incredible strides. Its media brand in Rwanda, Ni Nyampinga is the biggest youth brand in the country. It has created safe spaces for 10,000 girls in Northern Nigeria. And it has encouraged thousands of Ethiopian girls to continue to stay in education.

Ni nyampinga

Swarm has collaborated with Girl Effect for over three years, helping them on their journey from Start-out to Start-up. We have helped them refine their proposition so that their products reach their audiences more effectively. We have helped them make their media platforms more sustainable through new partnerships, new funding streams and new commercial opportunities. And most recently we have helped them explore how they can enter into new markets, creating the commercial and creative partnerships they need to reach even more girls.


Channel Swarm

Open Studios seeking creative humans

We’re about to take our Open Studios collaboration with Girl Effect on the road after a cracking start in London earlier this month. We’re now heading for Jakarta, Lagos and...
September 30
Swarming with Ni Nyampinga in Rwanda

Swarming with Ni Nyampinga in Rwanda

Imagine starting up a youth-focused brand, the entire purpose of which is to empower young women. Now imagine growing it to the extent that it becomes the largest youth brand in an entire country. That’s exactly what Ni Nyampinga has...
December 10


Co-designing an accelerator program for early-stage ventures with new products and services that improve the lives of girls in poverty. We worked with the Girl Effect team at the Nike...
November 1